Our Team

Living the Great Commission

Matthew 9:38 Ministries employs a diverse team of people who are committed to following the Lord and helping others to do the same. Obedience to God's command to make disciples for the fulfillment Great Commission is a priority for our team.

Sonya Cherici
Executive Director, Reach Evangelism

Sonya is an evangelist and an author. She has a long history of personal evangelism. In 2010, she founded SittingRooms Ministry, a discipleship study and outreach for Christian women. In 2013, Sonya authored a book called Presumptuous Faith. Her current writing project is called Esther. Sonya has a Master of Arts in Religion with a major in Evangelism and Church Planting from Liberty University. Sonya is married to Gianfranco and has two children.

Carlos Salem-Galindo
Community Outreach, Partnership Evangelism

Carlos is currently completing a degree in evangelism. He is married to wife, Kety, for 21 years and has 3 children. His favorite verse is: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).